BE PURPOSEFUL to always make room

Luke 2:7

That’s how I ended the new Christmas card gift, as there was “no room for Him in the inn.”

Some people need to get rid of old to make room for the new. Others need the new (endeavors, people, inspirations) to push out the bad. I’ve realized that this is more about temperament. Whichever way works for you - the goal is to FOCUS forward and prioritize. When you do, what shouldn’t be there seems to disappear because there’s NO ROOM. The things and people that should be there now have space to enter in. After all, what’s not of God won’t last anyway and, what is of God can’t be stopped!

The truth is: we’re either moving forward or backward and are told to forget what’s behind and PRESS… I know it’s nice to think there’s some middle ground we can sit and perch, without consequences. Rather, God says, “So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:16 NIV). We must choose to not wade around in the tepid kitty pool, but JUMP in the deep water. As we start swimming, what’s cold gets hotter.

I want to refer back to the PLUMB LINE noted in the first scripture of the 1st blog. Think of the plumb line as an invisible vertical line we draw in our lives or a decision we make. It’s like blinkers put on racing horses to FOCUS on the job at hand and stay undistracted. Focus leads to fruitful and fruitful satisfies our Lord.

We received gifts for Christmas. Here’s our New Year’s family goal and a gift we can all give back to Jesus: to take each part of ourselves (spirit, soul: mind, will, emotions, and body) and make one positive change forward to a more fruitful 2023.

Read Glory to Glory card

Jump and turn the tide!


How do you love yourself?


Welcome to sb creations! JUST JUMP!