sb creations

“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Prov 24:3-4

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Welcome to sb creations

In 2020, sb creations was established. It was built over 20 years from a conglomeration of life events as a woman, wife, mom, friend, teacher, daughter, grandmother, writer, and now businesswoman. Each experience, occasion, and issue that our family and loved ones faced became the catalyst to question, search, and the inspiration for me to write. The research was school to learn and the solution was always found (time and time again) in His Word. It was the guide, light, encouragement, and even warning to not necessarily get out, but keep going through.

Then, it took 2 years to take that knowledge and put it into a palatable form to empower others with what’s worked for us. The cards and books were always my dream. They were my process to grow and are still my passion to share. The question: How do you fill 3 pages with brevity, yet substance to impact and with enough beauty for someone to desire to pick up and read? Enter time and chance (opportunity) in the form of my beautiful daughter, Grace

Grace is compassionate, filled with creative gifts, and has a BFA degree in graphic design from TCU, received in 3.5 yrs, with honors. The timing was now right and the stage perfectly SET to share Simple Encouraging Truth. - which is the framework, goal, and basis for everything that I write. I am an encourager/teacher by heart and by gifting. I love to tell a whole story, from beginning to end. I like to do it through rhyme or lyrical flow. I love words and the power they carry to create pictures and change lives.

To offer solutions, these cards are established on at least 3 scriptures (powerful). To work, they are written by, delivered through, and received in love (personal). To fit, they coordinate with real life celebrations, tragedies, and experiences as well as address individual hopes, issues, and dreams (perfectly timed). We are told to encourage and build one another up - daily (Heb. 3:13, 1 Thess. 5:11). These card gifts offer timely help, inspiration, and comfort for all. God sent His Word for all! As long as there is breath within me, I’m going to hold it out there. It’s worked for us and I know it will work for the growing family of the body of Christ as well.

So, although sb creations bears my name, it is much more of a collaboration and family corporation from our shared gifts and experiences, living everyday lives. It appropriately bears my husband’s initials as well. This business would not have been launched but through his unwavering support and encouragement through so many years. I cannot appropriately end this without thanking the other great promoter of my gift and dream - Shawn P. He allowed and afforded us the flexibility, wisdom, and time to bring these words to print, creating a beautiful product that others can now read, share, and enjoy!

Though it takes time and the right people for a house to be built (22 years in this case), the result is a beautiful home - filled with love and treasures to share.

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Welcome to our Home. Visit “Reflections” Blog.

May you enjoy the riches: the wisdom and knowledge of God.